Joseph C. Sansone Company is a leading provider of property tax services in seven focused markets

However, before choosing Sansone to handle your assessment review, you should understand what makes us unique.
To do so, you must understand the other types of firms in the industry.
National Provider: Larger firms that provide their services nationwide. These firms are typically the low fee providers and often do not take cases to the highest level of appeal where tax savings could have been maximized. In today’s environment you need to understand the details of the property, the law and the market you are operating in. If your looking for a high level review, where tax savings is often NOT maximized, these are the providers for you.
Local, Small Shop: Many former assessors, appraisers, real estate professionals and attorney’s have decided that property tax appeals is the business for them. With typically less than 8-10 employees, their scope is limited and their breadth of experience of cases is limited. Do you want someone who has only handled a few cases and not to the highest appeal levels representing you?
Self Appeal: Who better to handle an appeal but the owner themselves? They know more than anyone about their property. Time and time again we find that owners, while passionate about their property, often are not prepared for an appeal, lack the required resources to build an adequate case and fail to take into account a number of appeal considerations. Sure, you can save a few bucks on a fee by doing it yourself, but if you fail or receive a sub-par reduction, what have you cost yourself in terms of missed opportunity and tax savings?

- Founded in 1972—-Thousands of appeals handled at all levels of appeal with significant expertise
- Thorough: Our reviews are not cursory comparable or income reviews. We dig into the details of leases, concessions, market trends, operating expenses to find the nuggets that will lead to a reduction
- Risk Tolerant: We take our cases to the highest level–we take the expense and risk on the achieve a reduction. No client pays SANSONE until savings has been documented at any level of appeal!
- Unique: Not just a valuation review—we review property class, discrimination factors (ratio), penalties, as well as adherence to the property tax law by the jurisdiction. Where we find errors, we utilize this to save our clients money
- Focus: We have several core markets where we are experts in our field; understanding the market, tax decisions and all matters related to property taxation
- Asset Classes: Represented companies in every major SIC Code Classification and handle all major commercial property types